Mini Minds does not provide emergency mental health services.
If you need immediate emergency support, call 000 or visit your nearest emergency department.
If you need to speak to someone urgently, call CAMHS Crisis Connect on 1800 048 636, Lifeline on 13 11 14 or another free helpline.
At Mini Minds, Music Therapy is a valuable adjunct therapy provided to support the developmental, and or mental health needs for children and adolescents. It is offered individually or in a small group setting, where family members wish to be included.
The proposed Music Therapy program can address the following goals:
Working within the Mini Minds structures to meet individual goals
Promote self-confidence
Build communication skills
Develop self-expression
Develop leadership skills
Build relationships and trust through active participation
Transform communication between peers and parents and children
Develop fine and gross motor skills
Improve self-directedness and independence