Mini Minds does not provide emergency mental health services.
If you need immediate emergency support, call 000 or visit your nearest emergency department.
If you need to speak to someone urgently, call CAMHS Crisis Connect on 1800 048 636, Lifeline on 13 11 14 or another free helpline.
Our Music Therapist

Tara Del Borrello
Tara is a Registered Music Therapist with the Australian Music Therapy Association (AMTA) having completed a Master’s degree in Creative Music Therapy at The University of Western Sydney. She has a range of experience in mental health including;
Prior to completing her studies, Tara worked / continues to work as a professional musician & singing teacher. As a music therapist, she believes in supporting the individual needs of each child, as well as working with their families to help guide continued support in their home.
Mini Minds is of the firm belief that every human being has a unique set of strengths & talents that can be nurtured & fostered. Built on the same principles, Tara our Registered Music Therapist (RMT) believes that every human being is inherently musical, & that music has the power to create meaningful connections.
Music therapy for children & adolescents is a very helpful, sustainable & engaging way to build resilience, strengthen communication skills, stimulate important areas of growth & development, reach educational goals & provides a sense of joy. Additionally, it is a unique way to grow community engagement & assist in family connectedness.
Acute inpatient care (ranging from children to adults)
Drugs & alcohol
Experience in working with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, intellectual disabilities & global developmental delay.