Mini Minds does not provide emergency mental health services.
If you need immediate emergency support, call 000 or visit your nearest emergency department.
If you need to speak to someone urgently, call CAMHS Crisis Connect on 1800 048 636, Lifeline on 13 11 14 or another free helpline.

The early years of your child’s life are essential for building a strong and sturdy architecture of the brain, shaping future learning, behaviour and health.
At mini minds health we understand that each child’s brain develops in its own unique way. This is why we offer a holistic view to treatment, meaning we consider the ‘whole’ child when forming a diagnosis and / or developing appropriate strategies. We recognise our responsibility to provide appropriate guidance and care to enable a child to thrive, grow, recognise barriers and realise their true potential.
Your child will receive excellent co-ordinated care, with referrals to specialised services including; Dietician, Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy. Mini Minds aspires to give you, your family and your child every opportunity to look toward the future with confidence.
If you would like any further information on our clinic, please don't hesitate to contact us at info@minimindshealth.com.au or on 0452 566 463.